
Resolutions of Council, Committee of Council, Finance Committee, Scientific Committee and ECFA

Council Resolution concerning the granting of Observer status to Japan in respect of the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project CERN/3852 Council 218 - 26.09.2024
Council Resolution for the admission of the Republic of Estonia as a Member State of CERN CERN/3809 Council 216 -
Council Resolution on the financial contribution of Ukraine to CERN for 2024  CERN/FC/6783
Council 216 -
Council Resolution concerning the termination of the International Cooperation Agreement between CERN and the Russian Federation CERN/3757 Council 214 -
Council Resolution concerning the termination of the International Cooperation Agreement between CERN and the Republic of Belarus CERN/3758 Council 214 - 
Council Resolution on the financial contribution of Ukraine to CERN for 2023  CERN/FC/6657
Council 211 -
Council Resolution concerning the CERN response to the aggression against Ukraine: the financial contribution of Ukraine to CERN for 2022 CERN/FC/6590
Council 208 -
Council Resolution concerning the decision-making in respect of renewal of the International Cooperation Agreement between CERN and the Russian Federation CERN/3669 Council 208 -
Council Resolution concerning the decision-making in respect of renewal of the International Cooperation Agreement between CERN and the Republic of Belarus CERN/3670 Council 208 -
Council Resolution concerning the decision-making in respect of renewal of the International Cooperation Agreement between CERN and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) CERN/3671 Council 208 -
Council Resolution concerning the CERN response to the aggression against Ukraine - Additional measures concerning the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus CERN/3637 Council 207 -
Council Resolution concerning the relationship between CERN and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) CERN/3638 Council 207 -
Council Resolution concerning the CERN response to the aggression against Ukraine CERN/3626 Council 206 - 8.3.2022
Council Resolution concerning the admission of the Federative Republic of Brazil as an Associate Member State of CERN CERN/3597/C Council 204 - 24.9.2021
Council Resolution concerning the admission of the Republic of Latvia as an Associate Member State of CERN CERN/3567/C Council 202 - 26.3.2021
Council Resolution concerning the granting of Observer status to the United States of America in respect of the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project CERN/3526/C Council 200 - 24.9.2020
Council Resolution on the 2020 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics CERN/3493/Rev. Council 199 - 18.6.2020
Council Resolution concerning the admission of the Republic of Estonia as Associate Member in the pre-stage to membership of CERN CERN/3482/C Council 197 - 19.3.2020
Council Resolution for the admission of the Republic of Croatia as Associate Member of CERN CERN/3403/C Council 191 - 13.12.2018
Council Resolution for the admission of the Republic of Serbia as a Member State of CERN CERN/3402/C Council 191 - 13.12.2018
Council Resolution concerning the admission of the Republic of Lithuania as an Associate Member at CERN CERN/3315/RA/Rev Council 185 - 15.6.2017
Council Resolution concerning the admission of the Republic of Slovenia as Associate Member State in the pre-stage to Membership at CERN CERN/3288/RA Council 183 - 15.12.2016
Council Resolution on the Settlement of Greece's contribution arrears and on its Member State contributions for 2017, 2018 and 2019 CERN/3258/RA Council 182 - 15.9.2016
Council Resolution for the admission of Romania as a Member State CERN/3189/RA Council 176 - 18.6.2015
Council Resolution concerning the admission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as Associate Member State at CERN CERN/3142/RA Council 172 - 18.9.2014
Council Resolution concerning the admission of the Republic of Turkey as Associate Member State at CERN CERN/3106/RA Council 170 - 20.3.2014
Council Resolution for the admission of Israel as a Member State CERN/3094/RA Council 169 - 12.12.2013
Council Resolution concerning the admission of Ukraine as Associate Member State at CERN CERN/3082/RA Council 168 - 19.9.2013
Model Council Resolution for the admission of new Member States CERN/3075/RA Council 167 - 20.6.2013
Council Resolution concerning the admission of Cyprus as Associate Member State in the pre-stage to Membership at CERN CERN/3034/RA Council 164 - 20.9.2012
Council Resolution concerning the admission of Serbia as associate member state in the pre-stage to membership at CERN CERN/2999/RA Council 161- 15.12.2011
Council Resolution concerning the admission of Israel as Associate Member State in the pre-stage to Membership at CERN CERN/2985/RA Council 160 - 25.9.2011
Council Resolution on the restoration of full funding of the CERN Pension Fund CERN/FC/5537
RC 159 - 23.6.2011
Council Resolution on the Geographical Enlargement of CERN CERN/2918/Rev.
version française
RC 155 - 17.6.2010
Council Resolution concerning the admission of Romania as a candidate for accession CERN/2829
version française
RC 149 - 11.12.2008
Report by the Working Group on CERN Governance CERN/FC/5228/Rev.

version française
FC 319 - 12.3.2008
RC 146 - 13.3.2008
Council Resolution on Organizational issues related to the European Strategy for Particle Physics CERN/2732/Rev.
version française
RC 143 - 20.9.2007
CERN Pension Fund
Governance Principles and Structure Report of the Study Group on Pension Fund Governance
Annex 3
version française
RC 142 - 21.06.2007
Draft Resolution on the conclusions of the 5-yearly review 2005 CERN/FC/5050
FC 311 - 21.06.2006
C 137 - 22.06.2006
Package of equilibration measures to the CERN Pension Fund
Proposal by the Governing Board and by the CERN Management
Minutes page 22
FC 308 - 10.11.2005
Package of equilibration measures to the CERN Pension Fund

Proposal by the Governing Board and by the CERN Management
Minutes page 13

FC 308 - 10.11.2005
Amendments to the tenth Edition of the Staff Rules and Regulations CERN/FC/4998
Minutes page 12 
FC 308 - 10.11.2005
C 135 - 15-16.12.2005
The Cost Variation Index for 2006 CERN/FC/4998
Minutes page 6
FC 308 - 10.11.2005
Tasks and Working Methods of CERN's Governing Bodies and Committees CERN/2538/Rev. Annex 4 CC 260 - 18.12.2003
C 126 - 19.12.2003
Draft Council Resolution on an additional double majority procedure for the Finance Committee CERN/FC/4675
Minutes page 13
FC 249 - 19.03.2003
CC 252 - 20.06.2002
C 122 - 21.06.2002
Draft Resolution on Local Staff CERN/2496
Minutes page 2
C 124 - 20.03.2003
Council Resolution on the granting of the Observer Status to India CERN/2447/Rev.  C 123 - 13.12.2002
Draft Resolution on the Financing of the LHC Project CERN/SPC/818/Corr2/Rev.

Minutes page 27
Minutes page 21
FC 292 – 11.12.2002
C 123 - 13.12.2002
Establishment of an Audit Committee CERN/2471/Rev.
Minutes page 6
C 123 - 13.12.2002
The creation of the Associate Status at CERN for Non-European States CERN/CC/2428/Rev.2
Annex IV
CC 225 – 12.12.2002
C 123 – 13.12.2002
Draft Resolution LHC Computing GRID Project CERN/2379/Rev. SPC 219 –17/18.09.2001
FC 286 –19.09.2001
CC 248 – 20.09.2001
C 119 – 20.09.2001
Resolution on Procedures for payment of Member States’ Contributions CERN/2385 C 118 –15.06.2001
Draft Resolution on the Contribution of Bulgaria to CERN CERN/2369 C 117 –15.03.2001
Draft Resolution on the Council of the Five-Yearly Review 2000 CERN/FC/4353
FC 283 - 13.12.2000
CC 245 -14.12.2000
C 116 - 15.12.2000
CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso Facility (CNGS) CERN/2300/Rev.
Annex VI
C 114 – 17.12.1999
Draft Resolution on the Contribution of Greece CERN/2286 C 113 - 18.06.1999
Draft Council Resolution concerning the Accession of Bulgaria CERN/2267 C 112 - 11.03.1999
Progressive Retirement Programme (French version only) CERN/FC/3949
 Annex 1
Minutes page 13
FC 264 - 19.03.1997
Council Resolution concerning the Operation of LEP in Year 2000 CERN/2223 C 109 - 19.12.1997
Council Resolution concerning the Personnel Budget for 1997 CERN/2180 C 106 - 20.12.1996
LHC Construction + Funding of the Organization CERN/2179 C 106 - 20.12.1996
Guarantees for the Pensions of the CERN Personnel in the Event of the Dissolution of the Organization and the Establishment of an International Foundation under Swiss Law CERN/2165 C 106 - 20.12.1996
Council Resolution concerning guarantees for the continued payment of the Pension rights of CERN's Personnel in the event of the dissolution of the Organization CERN/2165 CC 221 - 14.12.1995
C 106 - 20.12.1996
Finance Committee Resolution concerning the Setting up of a WG on Review of the CERN Purchasing Policy and Procedures CERN/FC/3913 FC 261 - 25.09.1996
Finance Committee Draft Resolution concerning the Setting up of a WG on Review of the CERN Purchasing Policy and Procedures CERN/FC/3913/Draft FC 261 - 25.09.1996
Council Resolution concerning the Observer Status of Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia at the CERN Council CERN/2143 C 104 - 21.06.1996
Council Resolution concerning the Dissolution of TRACE and continuation of the TREF procedures CERN/2139
C 104 - 21.06.1996
Resolution concerning the contributions of Members of the CERN Personnel to the CERN Pension Fund CERN/2118 (CERN/FC/3840)
version française
FC 258 - 13.12.1995
C 103 - 15.12.1995
Resolution concerning the Japanese contribution to the LHC CERN/2102
Minutes page 2
C 102 - 23.06.1995
Approval of LHC CERN/2075/Final C 100 - 16.12.1994
Double Majority Procedure CERN/2074/Final C 100 - 16.12.1994
Contribution of Germany CERN/2073/Final C 100 - 16.12.1994
Draft Council Resolution concerning a double majority procedure for certain Finance Committee recommendations to Council CERN/SPC/696 (Annex I)
SPC184 -12.12.1994
CC 217 - 15.12.1994
Draft Resolution on the Contribution of Germany CERN/SPC/696 Annex II
SPC184 -12.12.1994
CC 217 - 15.12.1994
Draft Resolution Approval of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Project CERN/SPC/696 Annex III
SPC184 -12.12.1994
CC 217 - 15.12.1994
Resolution on the Contributions of Czech Republic CERN/2069 (A) C 101 - 16.12.1994
Resolution on the Contributions of Hungary CERN/2069 (B) C 101 - 16.12.1994
Resolution on the Contributions of Poland CERN/2069 (C) C 101 - 16.12.1994
Resolution on the Contributions of Slovak Republic CERN/2069 (D) C 101 - 16.12.1994
Resolution on the Contributions of Greece CERN/2068 C 101 - 16.12.1994
Resolution on the Greek Contribution CERN/CC/2060 
Annex 1
CC 216 - 29.09.1994
Creation of TREF CERN/RTG/8
Annex C
FC 250 - 22.06.1994
C 100 - 24.06.1994
Resolution concerning the Spanish Contribution to CERN CERN/2054 C 100 - 24.06.1994
Resolution concerning the Large Hadron Collider of CERN, adopted at the 99th Session of the CERN Council on 15 April 1994   CERN/2036 C 100 - 24.06.1994
Draft Resolution Approval of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Project CERN/2039 Annex 1 + 2 C 100 - 24.06.1994
LHC Project CERN/2021
Minutes page 7
C 98 - 17.12.1993
Creation of TRACE CERN/FC/3672 CERN/2005 
Annex I
FC 247 - 14+15.12.1993
C 98 - 17.12.93
Draft Council Resolution concerning the Accession of the Slovak Republic CERN/1984 C 97 - 25.06.1993
Draft Council Resolution concerning the Accession of the Czech Republic CERN/1982 C 97 - 25.06.1993
Draft Council Resolution concerning the Accession of the Republic of Hungary CERN/1928 C 95 - 26.06.1992
EUROLEP Arbitration Consequences CERN/FC/3522

FC 240 - 18.03.1992
CC 205 - 19.93.1992
Council Resolution on LHC CERN/1904 C 93 - 20.12.1991
Double Majority Voting Procedure CERN/1902
(version française)
C 93 - 20.12.1991
Accession of CSFR CERN/1900
version française
C 93 - 20.12.1991
Draft Resolution of the Council on the Portuguese Financial Contribution to CERN CERN/1847
Minutes Annex 5
C 91 - 14.12.1990
Draft Council Resolution concerning the Accession of Poland CERN/1839 C 91 - 14.12.1990
Draft Council Resolution concerning the Accession of Finland CERN/1802
C 89 - 27.04.1990
Extension Associates Programme for Young Scientists and Engineer of Eastern European Countries CERN/1784/Final C 88 - 14.12.1989
Programme of activities concerning the SPSpp Collider and draft resolution CERN/1777/Rev. C 88 - 14.12.1989
Secondments and Attachments CERN/1773 C 88 - 14.12.1989
Payment of Contributions CERN/1763/Final C 88 - 14.12.1989
Hadron and SppSπ Programme CERN/FC/3295 FC 230 - 15.11.1989
Status and Position of the CERN Pension Fund CERN/CC/1720/Rev.
Minutes CERN/CC/1757
CC 193 - 22.06.1989
Consultative Committee on Employment Conditions CERN/1716/Rev. C 86 - 14-15.12.1988
Method of Calculation of Contributions CERN/1699 (Annex IV)
CERN/1702/Draft (p. 22
C 85 - 23+24.6.1988
Moratorium on Indefinite Contracts CERN/1659/Rev.2/Corr. C 83 - 19.06.1987
LAA Programme of Activities CERN/1642
Minutes CERN/CC/1630 page 1
Minutes CERN/1645 page 14
C 82 - 17.12.1986
LAA Programme CERN/1626 C 81 - 27.06.1986
Pensions’ Guarantee CERN/FC/2946
FC 110 - 24.04.1986
CERN Review CERN/1609/Rev.2
CERN/1609/Rev.2/Corr (version française)
C 80 - 20.02.1986
Special Contribution of Portugal CERN/1582/Rev. C 78 - 27.06.1985
Accession of Portugal CERN/1579 C 78 - 27.06.1985
Consultative Committee on Employment Condition CERN/1512-CERN/CC/1502/Rev.2 C 75 - 14-15.12.1983
Accession of Spain CERN/1458 C 72 - 24.06.1982
Special Contribution from Spain CERN/1457
C 72 - 24.06.1982
Accession of Spain CERN/1455/Rev.
C 72 - 24.06.1982
Report by the Chairman of the Working Group on CERN Pensions 

Comments of the Finance Committee
CERN/FC/2457 C 69 - 25-26.06.1981
LEP Phase I + Bannier Procedure Phase I CERN/1411 C 69 - 25.06.1981
LEP Project and Basic Programme

Election of 2 DGs (Adams + Van Hove)
Minutes CERN/CC/1376
C 66 - 26.06.1980
Draft by the German Delegation Auditor's Report for the Financial Year 1979

Recommendation of the Finance Committee
CERN/FC/2381 FC 174 - 25.06.1980
Draft by the German Delegation Auditor's Report for the Financial Year 1978 

Recommendation of the Finance Committee
Annex I
FC 168 - 20.06.1979
Draft by the German Delegation Auditor's Report for the Financial Year 1977 Recommendation of the Finance Committee CERN/FC/2184
Annex I
FC 162 - 21.06.1978
Recommendation of the Committee of Council to Council on the Conditions of Contract of the Directors-General CERN/1265
Minutes CERN/CC/1266
C 59 - 23-24.06.1977
Resolution of the SPC addressed to Council CERN/SPC/369 SPC 84 - 19.03.1975
Appointment of the Directors-General of the Organization CERN/1165/Rev. C 54 - 21.03.1975
Unification of the two Laboratories of the Organization CERN/1163 C 54 - 21.03.1975
Co-ordination of the Programmes of the Organization CERN/1004 C 45 - 22.12.1970
Proposed amendments to the CERN Convention CERN/731/Rev./Corr. C 36 - 14.12.1967
German Atomic Advisory Committee Study of 300 GeV Accelerator CERN/764 C 36 - 13.12.1967
Establishment of SPC CERN/SPC/241 SPC 43 - 30.05.1967
Establishment of SPC CERN/CC/704 CC 60 - 17.05.1967
ECFA Resolution on 300 GeV Accelerator CERN/650 C 32 - 15.06.1966
Intersecting Storage Rings CERN/614/Draft/Rev. C 31 - 15.12.1965
ISR Project CERN/600/Draft C 30 - 16.06.1965
ISR Supplementary Programme CERN/585/Draft  
ISR Supplementary Programme CERN/512 C 25 - 11.10.1963
Scale of contributions to CERN Proposal by the Spanish Delegation CERN/499
(page 5)

(page 5)
C 24 - 20.06.1963
FC 51 - 14.05.1963
Polish Observer (Obsolete) CERN/494 C 24 - 20.06.1963
French Gov. overs Usage of Gift of Land CERN/475/Rev. C 23 - 19.12.1962
Position of Yugoslavia CERN/451 C 21 - 13.06.1962
Position of Yugoslavia CERN/432 C 20 - 19.12.1961
Contribution of Greece CERN/425 C 20 - 19.12.1961
Budget Procedure CERN/FC/514
Annex II
FC 41 - 14.11.1961
Cooperation with Turkey CERN/401/Rev. C 19 - 02.06.1961
Budget Prodedure CERN/418 C 20 - 19.12.1961
Budget Prodedure CERN/CC/408 CC 30 - 26.10.1961
Budget (UK Proposal) CERN/FC/464 FC 36 - 07.12.1960
Contributions (UK Proposal) CERN/388 C 18 - 08.12.1960
Appointment of DG (Adams) CERN/364 C 16 - 14.06.1960
Position of Yugoslavia CERN/356 C 16 - 14.06.1960
Austrian Contribution CERN/332 C 14 - 02.12.1959
International Cooperation CERN/327/Add. C 14 - 02.12.1959
Expenditure 59/60 CERN/313/Rev. C 13 - 26.05.1959
Report of the Chairman of the Scientific Policy Committee CERN/CC/335
Minutes page 3 to 6
CC 20 - 13.11.1959
Resolution concerning the Report of the CERN Study Group on Fusion Problems CERN/304/Add.1/Rev.1 C 20 - 26.05.1959
Report of the Chairman of the Scientific Policy Committee
Report of the Chairman of the Finance Committee
CERN/308, CERN/309, CERN/305
CERN/310, CERN/313/Rev., CERN/314
CC 19 - 25.05.1959
Budget 1959 CERN/297 C 12 - 03.12.1958
Draft Budget 1959 CERN/FC/320/Rev. FC 23 - 05.11.1958
EURATOM CERN/278/Rev.2 C 10 - 27.06.1958
EURATOM Study Group (from DK) CERN/269/Add.4 C 10 - 27.06.1958
Resolution on works CERN/260
Minutes page 10
C 10 - 20.06.1958
Future Acceleration Techniques CERN/256 CC 14 - 18.12.1957
Budget for 58 and Estimates for 59 CERN/261
Minutes page 2
CC 14 - 18.12.1957
Budget Estimates for 58 and 59 CERN/245 C 8 - 15.11.1957
Budget for 58 and Estimates for 59 (French version only) CERN/FC/251 FC 17 - 13.11.1957
Patent Policy CERN/201/Rev. Annex C 6 - 14.12.1956
Adjudication of the Contract for the Supply of the Magnet Blocks for the CERN Proton Synchroton CERN/FC/155 FC 10 - 4.10.1956
Designation of signatories CERN/150
former CERN/FC/90
C 4 - 19-20.12.1955
Procedure over applications for Membership CERN/129/Rev.3 C 2 24-25.02.1955
The career prospects for CERN staff CERN/116/Rev. C 2 - 24-25.02.1955
Working Balance CERN/FC/19 FC 2 - 12.1954
Nomination of Auditors CERN/109 C 1 - 07.10.1954
Interim Finance Committee CERN/104 C 1 - 07.10.1954
Transfer of Assets and Liabilities CERN/99 C 1 - 07.10.1954
Future Needs of Interim Organization CERN/76/Rev. C 8 - 14.01.1954